Get more for your mortgage.
Whether you’re looking for a new build, established neighbourhood, or the country property of your dreams, Minto’s communities offer a broad selection of housing types, styles and amenities.
There’s no place like home.

our communities
Well known for its restaurants, green spaces, and several unique shopping destinations – including antiques, home decor, and a gallery – Clifford’s strong sense of community and dedicated volunteer base make it a stand out among other small communities.
• young families and retirees who want a slower pace
• those who want lots of recreational amenities (Clifford has sports fields, trails, and a variety of municipally-run indoor fitness programs)
• commuters to Grey-Bruce
Harriston is the heart of Minto, located in the middle of the municipality, halfway between Clifford and Palmerston. A grass roots, community revitalization has been underway in recent years, bringing together businesses, residents, service clubs, and local talent. Harriston has a little bit of everything – and something for everyone.
• those who love arts and culture (Harriston has an art gallery, live theatre guild, cinema and Carnegie library)
• young families who want to be within walking distance of an elementary school
• commuters to southern Wellington County
At the junction of fascinating history and vibrant community spirit, Palmerston honours its railway heritage in creative and collaborative ways. Recent new housing developments have rapidly grown the community, attracting new businesses and downtown revitalization.
• those who appreciate local history and walkable communities (you’ll love Lions Heritage Park!)
• young families desiring a French Immersion educational program
• commuters to Waterloo Region
“We lived in an apartment in Kitchener, between two busy roads, for 15 years. Now that we live in Clifford, a lot of our friends and family are able to stop in and visit us on their way to their cottages. That wouldn’t happen if we weren’t located here.”
housing prices
Data provided by MLS®. Average or median prices can change a lot from one month to the next and paint an inaccurate or even unhelpful picture of price values and trends. The MLS® HPI is based on the value home buyers assign to various housing attributes, which tend to evolve gradually over time. It therefore provides an “apples to apples” comparison of home prices across the entire country.
FEBRUARY 2023 Single-Family Homes
Minto $691,375
Centre Wellington (Fergus & Elora) $825,223
Guelph $768,510
Kitchener Waterloo $748,150
Orangeville $843,667
Brampton $948,635
Oakville $1,679,346
Accessory Dwellings
how the Town of Minto can help pay your mortgage
The Town of Minto permits accessory dwellings – such as “granny flats” and basement apartments. The Town also has a strong demand for rental units.
As a homeowner, this means you can create an income property that could make your mortgage payments more affordable.
finding home in Minto
Whether it’s your first home or your fifth, Minto has housing options to suit every stage of your life.